Tokenomics and 2021 Roadmap
Journey ahead!
Last updated
Journey ahead!
Last updated
1,000,000,000,000,000 HEALING POTION
30% of supply burnt (sent to dead address)
Developer wallet 2.0%
Deflationary Economy 12% total tax
with 7% of tx value redistributed to holders
and 5% sent to Liquidity Pool (Burned).
Liquidity Locked to 2025
Contract Renounced
Healing Potion Road Map
Quarter 2
Establish Whitepaper and Viral Growth Strategy
Commission NFT Artists and initial Healing Potion NFT Creations
Establish Marketing Campaign including Poocoin, Unirocket, influencer and tiktok marketing.
Establish Unique Burn Cycle
Launch Website
Launch Twitter
Launch Discord Channel
Launch on Pancake Swap
Establish fortnightly developer AMA/Medium Posts
Independent Audit
Apply Coingecko
Apply Whitebit Exchange
Apply Blockfolio
Explore twitch gaming channel collaborations
Establish collab NFT projects with BSC projects
Commence development on BREWLAB Charting Product
Release GOLEM BOT for commercial use
Quarter 3
Release Merchandise
Release Bot Yard Marketplace
Competitions via Twitter Promotions
Appoint professional web development services to revamp launch website.
Revisit Whitepaper to improve and flesh out content
Commence development on BREWLAB IDO Product for verified and unverified BSC projects.
Commission Potion Lab NFT Collection 1000 x Uniquie Potion/Fantasy NFT creation
Establish corporate entity
Update Roadmap
Quarter 4
Beta CAULDRON product to be tested and released
Release BREWLAB IDO Advertising avenues allowing developers to buy advertising space on the MOONFORGE app.
Update Roadmap 2022 to include MOONSWAP & MOONMAP products.
Explore CEX listings
Explore gaming possibilities
Pair with creative industry for capital raising ventures providing bag holders with opportunity to fund indie or home brew creative projects
Announce Special Project - Bastion